How do microwave detectors work?

The microwave detector is a kind of motion sensor, i.e. one of the most important elements of anti-burglar systems. Security alarm systems of this type are usually not difficult to use and significantly increase the security of private properties and enterprises.Microwave detectors are active devices (as opposed to passive ones, such as infrared detectors) and use the operation of Doppler radar.
How does a microwave detector work?
The activated microwave detector detects the appearance of movement in the controlled area due to constantly emitted electromagnetic waves of very high frequency. These waves are reflected from components within the range of the device and return to the sensor. When moving in the field of action of the detector, the frequency of the waves changes and the signal returning to the device is distorted. A significant distortion of the received signal causes alarm.
Application of microwave detectors
The old models of active Doppler detectors were intended only for indoor use. They showed great vigilance, which sometimes caused false alarms caused, for example, by the movement of small objects carried by the wind within their reach. Modern microwave detectors are able to accurately determine the size of the detected object, the direction of its movement and the distance to the device. Models designed to monitor outdoor areas are equipped with additional systems that ensure efficient operation even in difficult weather conditions (for example, in heavy rain).
Capabilities of microwave detectors
The microwave detectors produced today provide users with ample opportunities to control and adjust operating parameters and even remotely read current events and events stored in the device's memory. Um sich für die Glückszahlen-Multiplikatoren zu qualifizieren, müssen Sie eine Wette auf eine einzelne Zahl setzen. Wenn Sie sich für Rot oder Schwarz entscheiden, können Sie immer noch Geld gewinnen, wenn Ihre Glücksfarbe beim Lightning Roulette auftaucht. Wählen Sie Ihre Einsatzhöhe und die Anzahl der Spiele, die Sie spielen möchten, lehnen Sie sich dann zurück und lassen Sie das Spiel den Rest erledigen. Wenn ein Blitz zweimal in einen Punkt einschlägt, wird der Multiplikator noch weiter erhöht, bis zu einer Gesamtsumme von 2.000x, und zu allen Gewinnen hinzugefügt, die auf der Zahl landen.
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